
Canterbury Socialist Society: Reviews and Discussion
September 14, 2017 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Our next discussion event will be a sort of "Show and Tell" where attendees are invited to bring along a…

Standing Orders: Monthly Pints with the Socialist Society
September 21, 2017 7:00 pm-11:00 pm
Though Cowards Flinch and Traitors Sneer, We’ll Keep the Red Ale Flowing Here Starting in April 2017 - the third…

Socialist Society Table at Space Academy Election Party
September 23, 2017 7:00 pm-12:00 am
As a 'bonus' social event for anyone at a loss how to spend Election Night (Saturday 23rd September) we are…

Condition of the Working Class Discussion w/ Loren Goldner
October 9, 2017 12:00 am-12:00 am
In the aftermath of the NZ General Election we are gathering for an informal exchange of ideas and thoughts about…

Standing Orders: Monthly Pints with the Socialist Society
October 19, 2017 7:00 pm-11:00 pm
Though Cowards Flinch and Traitors Sneer, We’ll Keep the Red Ale Flowing Here Starting in April 2017 – the third…

NZ’s Road To Socialism, Project Launch, Christchurch
November 9, 2017 7:30 pm-10:30 pm
NZ’s road to socialism and the Canterbury Socialist Society are co-hosting this event to launch a new project to record oral histories of…

Standing Orders: Monthly Pints with the Socialist Society
November 16, 2017 7:00 pm-11:00 pm
Though Cowards Flinch and Traitors Sneer, We’ll Keep the Red Ale Flowing Here Starting in April 2017 – the third…

CSS Film Screening: The Young Karl Marx (2017)
December 13, 2017 7:30 pm-10:30 pm
As our last event of the year, aside from monthly drinks, is a screening of Raoul Peck's 2017 biopic of…

Last Call: End of Year Drinks with Canterbury Socialist Society
December 21, 2017 7:00 pm-11:00 pm
Last call! "Working deer of all countries, unite! You have nothing to lose but your reins." After a bit over…

Women, Witches, Work: Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch
January 17, 2018 7:30 pm-10:30 pm
According to this new social-sexual contract, proletarian women became for male workers the substitute for the land lost to the…

Standings Orders: Monthly Pints with the Socialist Society
February 15, 2018 5:00 pm-11:59 pm
As usual our social event is the third Thursday of the month from 7pm at Pomeroy's Old Brewery Inn on…

Screening: Hail, Caesar! (2016)
February 20, 2018 7:30 pm-11:00 pm
The February event of the Canterbury Socialist Society is a screening of the Coen brothers' film 'Hail, Caesar!'. This satire…